
bimonthly assessment january

26 year old woman with complaints of altered sensorium somce 1 day,headache since 8 days,fever and vomitings since 4 days More here:  https://harikachindam7. old-female-with-complaints-of. html Case presentation  links: a.What is the problem representation of this patient and what is the anatomical localization for her current problem based on the clinical findings? A. Problem presentation of this patient : . Altered sensorium with irrevelant talk since 1 day . Vomitings since one week  . Fever since one week  . Generalized weaknesses with decreased appetite since one month . Neck pain with headache since one month which is worsened past 8 to 15 days. Anatomical localization: lesion may be in frontal lobe. b) What is the etiology of the current problem and how would you as a member of the treating team arrive at a diagnosis?  Please chart out the sequence of events time


28 y M patient came with C/o fever 5 days back Head ache since 5 days back H/o diarrhoea 15 days back for 3 days 3episodes per day. No cold ,cough ,burning micturitions,body rashes. Ns1 antigen positive. C/o generalised weakness since 4 days. No H/O headache No h/o vomitings No c/o cold, cough No H/O burning micturition No h/o hematuria No H/O constipation No H/O abdominal pain & tenderness No H/O palpitations,chest pain, syncopal attacks No H/O loss of apetite, decreased sleep No H/O loss of consciousness/fatigue/weakness Not a K/C/O Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma, Epilepsy,T.B,CVA,CAD No past history of similar complaints No past history of hospitilization or surgery Diet :mixed Sleep :adequate Bowel and bladder :regular Appetite: normal Micturition :normal General examination: No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy and pedal edema Vitals: Temperature:99 F Pulse:82bpm Blood pressure:130/90mm of hg Respiratory rate:22 cpm SpO2:98 %

bimonthly assessment

1) A 55 year old man with Recurrent Focal Seizures Detailed patient case report here: 1. What is the problem representation of this patient and what could be the anatomical site of lesion ? A.55 Y M patient who is a mestri worker came with c/o inability to move his right upper limb and episodes of seizures.He is a chronic alcoholic and beedi smoker since 35 years. Lesions may be seen in left fronto parietal temporal and occipital lobes.mostly temporal region. 2. Why are subcortical internal capsular infarcts more common that cortical infarcts? A. small subcortical infarcts (RSSIs) mostly result from the occlusion of a single, small, brain artery due to intrinsic cerebral small-vessel disease (CSVD). Some RSSIs may be attributable to other causes such as cardiac embolism or large-artery disease, and their association with coexisting CSVD and vascular risk factors may vary with morphological mag

Status epilepticus

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.  Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.  This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. 40 y F with  c/o involuntary movements of both limbs (6 episodes 2 days back ) continuous episodes from nyt 9 pm .  uprolling of eyes present Loss of consciousness present Involuntary micturition present Past history : At the age of 7 years 1st episode of seizures had started and taken to hospital and used Eptoin 3 tab for 5 years. At the age of 18 years she got married to her relative who is chronic alcoholic and always argues with her .after 3 months of marriage

65 M with altered sensorium and right sided weakness.

Patient came with c/o altered sensorium since 5 hours around 6:34 PM on 2/12/2020. patient was apparently alright before 5 hours later he had sweating, went into altered sensorium ,brought to hospital, GRBS found to be 26 mg/dl. After giving 2 [100 ML] 25 D he regained consciousness aw¹+ee+¹ started talking after 3 hours . Patient is k/c/o Recurrent CVA 1st episode = 6 years back , had deviation of mouth ,recovered with in 2 months after using allopathic medications 2nd episode = 1 year back left sided hemiparesis with deviation of mouth, used herbal medications 3rd episode = 2 months back had left sided hemiparesis with visual hallucinations 4 th episode = 1 month back had right sided hemiparesis K/c/o DM 2 and HTN since 15 years and on medications  Patient had bed sores since 20 days K/c/o TB ,used ATT for 6 months, 4years back patient has no history of fever,cough,cold ,vomitings,loose stools ,chest pain, palpitations, pedal edema. H/O alcoholic since 40 years( saara)